Doesn't exist

I think you are talking about cosmic. I can't create a account there account creation is broken. That was because I raised it until it broke.
I'm not 40 bro. Just like Gary you can't even read my discord bio. The last time I checked I was banned there. They aren't clowns compared to me.
I know that ruby doesn't care at this point ( maybe even posting nsfw stuff.) but stop being cryptic and spamming emojis. No one is going to understand what your saying. I'm politely going to delicin…
How about you shut up. I can tell you that also I can say what I want so technically this isn't against the rules. Not my problem.
I'm very sure I deleted those reviews but they are still there but my profile no longer exists. I need your guys confirmation of you being responsible for it. So I have no idea what's going on with s…
Tell that to ifastnet. I could tell them about how it violates the terms of service or whatever the reason is they said to you.
Tbh I miss my Wii u going on to miiverse but I only cared about one game and I can no longer do that because my fan is fucked up. ( It needs to be cleaned) And trust me I tried cleaning it still over…
Also every single account on closed verse is term for some reason not sure if you are responsible for it.
I don't think he remembers me. Guess he don't care either. I have been in more miiverse clines than barthouse has believe it or not.
I'm very sure proxy's are banned there unless you want your entire state to get banned like what happened in the original closedverse.
You do know you are rasing concerns for me since you know my up address. Just want to mention that. Look I haven't done anything for a long unlike you on the other hand got banned in closedverse.
I spend most of my day sleeping like 7-12 hours 4 and a half for working 1 hour and a half for eating 3 or more hours paying bills and stuff that leaves me 4 hours here so "the most of the day" you s…
You do know that no one can get reported anymore right? I know cloudflare, Amazon and others don't just take down miiverse clones for nothing. I don't remember when is the last time I reported a miiv…
Give me a reason why I should do something else. I got time until Ruby bans you for impersonating people like me.
Well you guys were overloading the servers. That is why you guys got blacklisted there which you guys are still are
I don't remember radicul saying that and I'm surprised the bad mins didn't do anything. I never did anything bad back then must have been some salty kid.
Is this all you have to say? Something that happened 2 years ago that I have been fighting for which is longer than 3 years. This topic is already boring.
You give a name on my second account which I made public, you don't have the mii, no screen shots on what happened back in you said in 2010-2012 or whatever it happened.
Sorry but you don't have any screenshots and I bet the owner here doesn't know what you are talking about. No one remembers what happened. I'm bet barthouse doesn't either since he has been in most c…
Hi I'm Adam1234. Don't need much to explain.