Anything Goes


02/25/2025 06:04 PM ·Spoilers

I seen you logged in sussy I'm not stupid and you are to lazy to check my comments meaning that you got caught don't play stupid with me lying isn't going to take you anywhere.


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  • Okay tell me
  • You recognize him
  • I'm just saying it's not hard to disappear without a trace
  • Well you guys were overloading the servers. That is why you guys got blacklisted there which you guys are still are
  • Does not ring a bell.
  • But go do something with your life instead of destroying clones
  • Give me a reason why I should do something else. I got time until Ruby bans you for impersonating people like me.
  • You do know that no one can get reported anymore right? I know cloudflare, Amazon and others don't just take down miiverse clones for nothing. I don't remember when is the last time I reported a miiverse clone.
  • Imagine going 3 years with just trying to destroy clones your full of shit dude literally and your probably in your 30s doing all this
  • What are you still doing on these clones bro
  • I spend most of my day sleeping like 7-12 hours 4 and a half for working 1 hour and a half for eating 3 or more hours paying bills and stuff that leaves me 4 hours here so "the most of the day" you say is bs.
  • I just want to post normal. Not like it's going to do anything.
  • But what are you still doing on here bro
  • I already said it. Not like the owner is going to care. I have been deleted like 6 times here.
  • This clone feels like a ghost town are you the only one who posts on here
  • There is other users but yeah I'm the only one who posts here which is a blessing for me.
  • You do know you are rasing concerns for me since you know my up address. Just want to mention that. Look I haven't done anything for a long unlike you on the other hand got banned in closedverse.
  • So why are you here trolling and raiding miiverse clones you don't give a fuck like I do?
  • this convo makes me wanna pull the plug on this shitty clone
  • Ikr. Nike just do it.

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