Anything Goes


3 days ago ·Spoilers

Lol I like how the reviews are still there for wake me up inside but when you click on the profile it's not there maybe a browser issue or it maybe a feature. I just need to double check on that. If you are seeing this scam advisor thank you so much for leaving those reviews there. I also put one for here. Go cry about it.


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  • Adam1234

    3 days ago · Spoilers

    I'm very sure I deleted those reviews but they are still there but my profile no longer exists. I need your guys confirmation of you being responsible for it. So I have no idea what's going on with scamadviser. I never got a email from them ( besides the hack that was going on )
  • Adam1234

    3 days ago · Spoilers

    I contacted them to tell them how shitty you guys are.

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