Anything Goes


02/25/2025 01:18 PM ·Spoilers

And yes I am adam yes I am 34 years old yes I am a man child


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  • I'm not that old you guys already forgot my birthday. Like I said stop pretending to be me. I don't use alpha words or beta words. Why are you giving a bad reputation to my name. Either way you are giving a bad reputation yourself. You clearly wanted to post regular stuff that is why you joined. Better not be the same person who got banned somewhere else I don't remember. If you are Adam then how many miiverse clones you reported, if you know that then what is the fake address then Braden sent, if you know that then what is the primary console platform you game? If you know that then what model of the phone that Adam had. If you know that then you might be a admin who used to be somewhere else. Yes this is a pop quiz. Oh what is the first two numbers of the IP address.
  • @Adam1234 I've had 8 different miiverse accounts from 2012-2017
  • No I didn't I had a shitload of accounts I say probably 2 or more dozens of them. Bet you can't name them all.
  • @Adam1234 yes you did all were archived in the archiverse
  • All I remember is that I had 3 fro closed verse since you didn't say what accountd you are full of shit.
  • @adam1234 I said miiverse accounts
  • Not closedverse
  • Ether way those are from my old ip address.
  • I said name them.
  • @adam1234 madam lackemw2 typographical ir322ioe zoezo517 ylpdfile these accounts archived
  • I had more than that when I am had a different email and how the fuck you find them.
  • @adam1234 ill give you a hint 2015

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