Rubyverse Rules


No NSFW, please.

Illegal content

Nobody has a problem reporting you to the authorities if you do share illegal content here, so please do not.


Please do not spam. This includes Yeahing lots of things, following lots of people, sending lots of messages, etc. Just do what's necessary.

Hate speech

The policy is that if you're being reasonable, it's fine. If you're obnoxious and unreasonable with all of it, you will be warned.


Login attempts are logged with ips. Please do not do anything bad.

Joke accounts

They are unpleasant and nobody likes them. Please do not. You will be warned if you make a joke account.


Raid accounts will be deleted as soon as they exist. If you're raiding another site, please do not discuss it here.


If you want to be unbanned, try talking to an admin. Any form of contact is supported, they just need to get your message and we'll see if you can be unbanned.

Begging for moderator status

If you only beg for mod status and do nothing else on the service, you will probably be given a warning, if not a ban. Please do not.